Tamilnadu - Thanga Tamil nadu Sir!
Medical Seats Reserved:
Finally, counseling for single window admissions to Tamilnadu professional courses have begun. 96% of the MBBS seats are bagged by students belong to reserved community and forward community students were able to get very less number of seats. Does it mean, reserved community people have become competitive enough, so that reservation for some communities in the reserved quota could be scrapped and put them in general quota? That was the original idea of Dr. Ambedkar when he proposed the theory of reservation. I understand the need for such system for our country and I certainly back up reservation scheme.
However, the scenario here is very different. The apparent development of other castes is very illusionary as we see a lot of people are still not getting the level of education they deserve. The eye of the problem is people who are really backward are not benefited because people who are socially and economically well advanced claim the benefits. Let us imagine a reserved class student, whose parents are professionals like engineers, doctors, collectors etc. still claims he is backward and tries to fit into the quota where as real backward rural students are denied their opportunities as their seats are taken away by wealthy urban students.
Now, it is evident at least some sections of reserved quota people are competent enough to be put under open quota. Yes, I am saying something like creamy layer concept or reservation schema that takes these factors into account.
a) Social Backwardness
b) Economical status
c) If any of the parents are already benefited by the scheme before.
However, I am less hopeful of meaningful changes in our country that is good for our countrymen. After all in democracy only the heads are counted not the brains, that too ours is a pseudo democracy where politicians reap benefits by raking up people emotionally not intellectually.
Aadi thapasu kudutha aapu:
On the lighter side, let us see how “shani peyarchi” affected a “gurukal” of a famous temple called “Sankaran koil” in tirunelveli district.
Sankaran Koil temple is famous for function during this month of “aadi” called as “aadi thapasu”. As told by puranas, Mother goddess undertook a penance in this very place,during month of “aadi”, to convince Shiva and Vishnu to manifest as “shanakaranarayana”. This event is celebrated as “aadi tapasu” in a grand manner each year. This year some ministers of HRCE dept and collectors too attented the function.
Our poojari, let us name him “Ramasami gurukal” was a naive innocent person. Ramasami without knowing who is a “Big person” and who is a “Small person”, gave prasadams to all those officials and bureaucrats. Next day you know what he got? A suspension order!
Reason was, district collector was paid respect ahead of the minister and that calls for suspension of poojari!. Poor gurukal, might have thought everyone else is small in front of god and all must have looked same to him. I said to myself “Anga thaan nikkiran sani”.
"வெள்ளத்தனைய மலர் நீட்டம் மாந்தர்தம்
உள்ளத் தனையது உயர்வு"
Finally, counseling for single window admissions to Tamilnadu professional courses have begun. 96% of the MBBS seats are bagged by students belong to reserved community and forward community students were able to get very less number of seats. Does it mean, reserved community people have become competitive enough, so that reservation for some communities in the reserved quota could be scrapped and put them in general quota? That was the original idea of Dr. Ambedkar when he proposed the theory of reservation. I understand the need for such system for our country and I certainly back up reservation scheme.
However, the scenario here is very different. The apparent development of other castes is very illusionary as we see a lot of people are still not getting the level of education they deserve. The eye of the problem is people who are really backward are not benefited because people who are socially and economically well advanced claim the benefits. Let us imagine a reserved class student, whose parents are professionals like engineers, doctors, collectors etc. still claims he is backward and tries to fit into the quota where as real backward rural students are denied their opportunities as their seats are taken away by wealthy urban students.
Now, it is evident at least some sections of reserved quota people are competent enough to be put under open quota. Yes, I am saying something like creamy layer concept or reservation schema that takes these factors into account.
a) Social Backwardness
b) Economical status
c) If any of the parents are already benefited by the scheme before.
However, I am less hopeful of meaningful changes in our country that is good for our countrymen. After all in democracy only the heads are counted not the brains, that too ours is a pseudo democracy where politicians reap benefits by raking up people emotionally not intellectually.
Aadi thapasu kudutha aapu:
On the lighter side, let us see how “shani peyarchi” affected a “gurukal” of a famous temple called “Sankaran koil” in tirunelveli district.
Sankaran Koil temple is famous for function during this month of “aadi” called as “aadi thapasu”. As told by puranas, Mother goddess undertook a penance in this very place,during month of “aadi”, to convince Shiva and Vishnu to manifest as “shanakaranarayana”. This event is celebrated as “aadi tapasu” in a grand manner each year. This year some ministers of HRCE dept and collectors too attented the function.
Our poojari, let us name him “Ramasami gurukal” was a naive innocent person. Ramasami without knowing who is a “Big person” and who is a “Small person”, gave prasadams to all those officials and bureaucrats. Next day you know what he got? A suspension order!
Reason was, district collector was paid respect ahead of the minister and that calls for suspension of poojari!. Poor gurukal, might have thought everyone else is small in front of god and all must have looked same to him. I said to myself “Anga thaan nikkiran sani”.
"வெள்ளத்தனைய மலர் நீட்டம் மாந்தர்தம்
உள்ளத் தனையது உயர்வு"
Shani vecha aapu, hAsyam!!!
Reservation, I second you.An problem neenga solra madiri politicians mattum illa, it is aslo 'cos of apathy by the learned (nambala dhan solren, at least neenga idha pathi blog ezudhareenga, naan adhuvum illa) which keeps the socially backward ignorant of their privileges.
sb, at 6:11 PM
//“Anga thaan nikkiran sani”//
btw, wrto reservation TJ ithe matter-a vera angle-a sollirukkaar......
(Mis)Chief Editor, at 10:24 PM
I think a country like india needs reservation, but it must be applied with out spoiling the spirit. Poojari kathai siripa irunthalum again it shows how bad is our political scenario is.
TJ blog padichen. Aana avar solra mathiri illama oru alavuku reservation irukardhu nalladhu than nu ninaikaren. Avar solra mathiri backward class valarala..athu oru veekam than.
P B, at 6:57 AM
underprivileged section shud be given support, assistance but reservation?
by saying u belong to X so u need to get 99% and you belong to Y so its enough if u pass, we are making a mockery of the assessment procedure(which is already screwed up enough).
the reality is people like "maruthuvar" Ramadass ayyas and the powerful/ financially strong types take advantage of the system.
i feel this is reverse discrimination against OC/fwd community guys.
our govt is sending out a message like "it does not pay to be hardworking" but "it pays to be backward"
sadly the race nowadays among all the BC community fanatics is to use some influence with the govt to declare their community from OC to BC and from BC to MBC.
i belong to one community which used clout to get declared as BC from OC.
I dont think i am inferior to anybody.
Even physically challenged people dont want sympathy/special treatment, what can u say abt these people?
there is some advantage for fwd community kids in terms of exposure. for eg i did not know abt GRE/green card et all till i was abt 22/23.
no one in my family had ever gone to US when i was say 12/13.
My cusin in virudhunagar will not hope abt IIT coaching etc there.
if u r in rural areas the exposure is even less. so what they really need is not "resevered for handicapped" seats but access to information and assitance.
Its something similiar to the 4 minute mile barrier.
once they understand that enough people have done it.that there are precedents.i think they too can do as well. till that time they may need motivation/guidance/coaching/assistance but certainly not reservation.
thinking people shud increase the awareness level and shud be willing to provide assistance/coaching to underprivileged students.
idhu dhaan required.
this reservation is hitting self-respect of every student in one way r other no matter which class he belongs to.
in case u r wondering, i can honestly say i did not take advantage of any reservation till now.
(except for booking train tickets:-)
expertdabbler, at 6:57 AM
I accept most of things you say. If govt feels it is obliged to keep some seats reaserved for under previlleged I don't see anything wrong there as long as govt is sincere about identifying tru under prebilleged and committed to their upliftment.
P B, at 10:29 AM
Nice post!!
Both of us agree that, it is time to revamp the system.
And i think u have really not got what i wanted to say!
1. I never said reservation shud be scrapped.[as u put in ur earlier comment.]
2. I never said all backwards classes have grown.
What i said was,
1. There is an immediate need to reduce the reservation[mebbe 30% or atleast to 50%] in steps. 69% is definitely atrocious.
2. /quote from my post/
Or is it not time to make significant changes in the program to assist the people who have either remained or moved to the lower strata of the social structure due to the churning of the society in the past 50 years in the name of ‘social justice’.
/end quote/
When I said 'people' I meant, both the so called 'Forward community' folks, and the folks in the other communities, who have been deprived the fruits of reservation, by the creamy elements of their own communities.
Thus one thing we agree is that, reservation has to stay, and the folks benefitig from them shud change. rite?
TJ, at 11:09 AM
Yeah you are right. I accept what you say. It is time to revamp the system.
P B, at 12:16 PM
aadi thapasu
podhuvaa poosaari aathaa vukku koozhu ooththuvaaru ippa aaththa poosaarikku koozhu ooththura nilamaikku kondu vandhutaa. sani konjam munnaadi ninu irundhaa poosaarikku indha nilama vandhirukkaadhu, mudhal mariyaadha paNNi iruppaaru aana sani pinnaala ninnu poosaarikku aapadiththaan :)
a horse beaten to death, still rises like phoenix (not the one which is fuming flames at 100f when its east coast brethern are in cool 70s).
my two cents (to further beat it down):
yes reservation is needed, albeit temporarily. it is one good way of upliftment of downtrodden. but deciding upon who is downtrodden is where politics (not merely by politicians but also by us people, the podhu janam) comes to picture. The creation of middle layer(OBC), bifurcation of it as BC, MBC etc, listing of all but a few castes in those lists, keeping the downtrodden as downtrodden so that the fruit of reservation can be reaped by a privileged mass for eons, electioneering and voting based on who promises one's caste to be listed as "more downtrodden" etc have clearly undone the purpose. It has to gone to such a level in the mind state as people from the so-called forward castes too are fuming due to their incapacitated situation and wish they were born in those "suppressed" community, just to reap the same benefit of which they were/are accusing their other community brothers indulging on Yeah, this includes me, once upon a time. now i am not doing that, not necessarily because i have seen the truth but may be more because i am well-to-do now :). The height of such reservation malice that is coupled with worst form of trade unionism is reservation in promotion. Nothing would justify this to any level.
Had Dr.Ambedkar been alive today surely he would have died by now :)
As the title of a cho's drama goes - "yaarukkum vetkam illai" (enakkum thaan).
Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
the communities under the BCs and MBCs category has grown up since independence...
the alternative i suggest is tough to implement. after all who wants to go thru the hassles of educating/ providing counselling /guidance /information?certainly not the govt officials...
u expect sincerety.
i expect solutions which are not populisitc from the state machinery
rendum nadakadhu namba oorile.
rombo kastam:)
expertdabbler, at 9:18 PM
Sridahar & PK
I can see almost everyone accept reservation, but only we are not happy with the way it is being implemented. We can just wish good luck for our country and live with a hope that some "Yug Purush" will arrive and wipe out our miseries.
This adi thapasu story was reported in dinamalar. One more evidence for "குரங்கு கையில் மாலை"
P B, at 7:44 AM
online, free of charge! It doesn’t matter if your enterprise is a purely online or offline venture,
Anonymous, at 2:49 AM
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