Recently I received this email from my cousin sridhar.
His reaquest and reasons to buy original thiruvasagam CDs.
Please kindly go through this message.
Dear Muthukumar,
I would like to tell you more details about how hard
it was for making this noble project.
I have been visiting a forum which was one of the
prominent location that had visitors from various
locations who now have been active members of bringing
this TiS (Thiruvaasagam in Symphony) into reality.
Tis-USA is founded for this very reason. One of the
main persons of this foundation is Dr.Sankar Kumar.
He is a regular visitor of that forum.
Right from the time the idea was mooted I came to know
about this project thru that forum. For the past 2.5
years I have been hearing about this project.
IR (ILayaraaja), we all know, has not released his
symphony which he did in Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
(RPO) London a decade back. A lot of reasons for that
are told - ranging from his personal confusion(my
guess) to critic of Western classical music didnt
accept that to big music producing & marketing
companies like had deserted him.
This TiS is a noble venture for which IR didnt want to
face the same fate. In addition to that he himself
has said that, in olden days even though the wealthy
and king could themselves have contributed 100% and
built a temple, they never did it on their own. They
wanted contribution (even monetary) from all, the
logic is let the punyam go to everyone. As IR himself
said that it is a noble one he too wanted public
IR got this idea of giving a Oratario format for
thiruvaasagam sometime during his visits to
thiruvaNNaamalai some three years back (oratario is a
western classical music form wherein sacred hymns are
tuned, sung by people and chorus with symphonic
orchestra playing).
Tamil mayyam is a chennai based foundation spearheaded
by Rev. Fr. Jagath Gasper. The foundation's main aim
is to promote the treasures of thamizh to the world.
It was the wish of HIM that IR's idea came to know to
Tamil mayyam. Tamil Mayyam was immediately ready to
do. It is not so easy. The money involved is going
to be in crores. The mayyam had nothing in its hand
except a paltry sum. IR and mayyam started to go
ahead leaving everything to HIS hands. This time Dr.
Sankar Kumar, Sridhar Seetharaman, Sridhar
Balasubramanian and many such people who are in the US
were also ready to contribute both in paying from
their hand as well as collect from people. Tis-USA
was also formed. They contacted their friends,
appealed thru many forums including IR yahoo groups,
and the forum I too visit. Many contributed whatever
small amount they could. At the same time many had
expressed their doubt that this album too will not see
its light. Time rolled; some expressed their dissent
of the way, what they felt, things were not clear
about what, how much money was contributed and what is
happening to that as they dont see the outcome to be
released in near future.
IR and mayyam had their priorities clear - they want
the best of the resources of the world to be utilized
to the first showcase of our treasure to the world.
So it means it needs a lot of money. But contribution
from public was not flowing as much and as fast as
expected. So Fr Jagath, Dr SK and many had borrowed
loans, pledged their properties to raise the amount
which are in 10s of lakhs of rupees, as the more the
delay in generating money the more will be the trouble
and pressure.
After so much of pressure, so much of negative
feeling, so much of doubts, above all lot of
outstanding debts they could fund for the project and
complete the album.
Then came next hurdle. From what I believe,
negotiation with some biggies for marketing the album
was not fruitful. Finally, somehow they found the
people to market this product, after 2.5 years of
trouble with outstanding debts the album is released
I hear that the album is hit among the people and at
the same time also sad to hear that illegal copies
(mp3 etc) are being floated in net to share amongst
friends. The official US price is fixed at $15 for
the CD and $20 for the premium CD and distributed by
tis-usa, DVD online and others. Some people do bulk
order in India ship them here and want to sell it in
$5 to $10 illegally and want to make quick money. One
thing it shows how popular this noble venture has
become but at the sametime we also have to note that
this way of distribution does not help those good
hearted people of mayyam, tis-usa and many who have
toiled a lot to bring it to us. We should give
respect to this noble project by way of listening to
it by buying the legal copies.
It is not a cinema album. Many people including IR
have melted themselves for this noble cause. So let
us also, as consumers, contribute towards this by
buying the legal copies, urging our friends to buy
only legal copies and asking those who traffic illegal
copies to stop and discourage them.
May I request you to spread this message amongst your
If only people's psyches could be changed with simple pleas :)
I don't download music, or burn CDs from downloaded mp3s, but, I indulge very often in music from And what argument applies to Illayaraaja, obviously applies to MSS, Maharajapuram Santhaanam, Sudha Raghunaathan, etc, et al. It's a shame that the same time we appreciate fine music, we have ABSOLUTELY NO QUALMS about RIPPING off the creators of this fine music. It's a shame really. I say the sad state of Indian music is because the few people that DO decide to listen to it choose to do so off MP3s, while the popular music is bought by trendy teenagers with too much money to spend.
PS: I have started to try and buy most of the music I listen to. Once I like something I've heard, I go get a CD, or get it off of iTunes. Of course, there's a whole other question of just how much of your buck actually goes to the artist, but with more and better Internet-based distribution technologies, this'll (hopefully) get to be a bigger share. (E.g. -- find the sample-music-and-buy links).
సतीsh, at 9:10 AM
Good thinking ! PB, I agree with the logic. A lot of effort has gone into this. Let us support these efforts by buying a CD (or atleast those of us who can afford it)
In response to "moose"'s argument, it is hard to buy everything you listen to, especially since a lot of us are just students. Also, since, it is estimated that not many people actually buy CD's , the cost per CD is elevated, which makes it even harder for a regular guy to afford a CD. So, if you were a music enthusiast, and also want to be understanding of the music industry's sufferings due to piracy, what do you do ? Where do you draw the line ? Do you buy every CD at $15 ? For somebody that listens to music as much as I do, I'd be a pauper before long if I do that !
dinesh, at 12:35 PM
I am really poor man.
I cannot afford food.
But I need to eat food everyday.
If I were to buy all the food I eat, I would be a pauper soon. So, I will step into a supermarket, and steal food.
(I'm not trying to be argumentative or accusative. Even I am trying to figure this out... Think of these as thoughts thought aloud...)
That said,
1. Just because stealing on the Internet is easy doesn't make it not-stealing. (Would you step into a movie theater without a ticket just because the tickets are over-priced?)
2. All you have to do to afford a CD is skip that pizza, or that new 8$ movie you'd watch on a weekend.
3. And, like I said before, if you are willing to support this CD because you think it's a noble effort, where do you draw the line about what's noble and what's not? Everything that every artist produces has a certain amount of passion, energy and effort behind it. What's to say one artist's passion is more or less than another's?
4. it is estimated that not many people actually buy CD's , the cost per CD is elevated And what breaks this cycle?
సतीsh, at 2:53 PM
There is a plan to make bring "divya prabhandham" too in symphony by IR. Probably if people support thiruvasagam, probably he may not undergo same hardships as told for prabhandham. Let us not shift the focus from supporting thiruvasagam to piracy issues.
P B, at 3:19 PM
You have it wrong. What me and "moose" are talking about is directly related to the thiruvasagam effort. I don't believe we have it off focus !
dinesh, at 5:29 PM
hey man,
just curious - what language are you writing in ? well with itunes and many other official sites having sprung up internet piracy is very much in the decline. I guess I can say that eh !
six for nine, at 5:29 PM
It is shifting focus to moral issues like piracy, copy rights issues etc.
I agree your points very much, and howvever, instead of looking the bigger issue, I am just trying to sell the point I am passionate about. I think 8th century tamil lit is riding on vehicle called 20th century music. This effort shud be supported for so many reaons. That is the aim of my post.
six for nine:
We are taliking about a 8th century literature called 'Thiruvasagm" , which was rendered in symphony recently, written in world's one of the ancient languages called Tamil.
P B, at 5:36 PM
Yes,PB. We got the CD by order.I concur Moose.
Anonymous, at 6:36 PM
dear muthukumar,
kindly visit our blog.
(Mis)Chief Editor, at 8:21 PM
Tamil Maiyam has so far invested $2,21,000 out of which $89,618 came as donations and pre-publication orders. The rest remains as loan burden of Tamil Maiyam. For the voice recording in Bombay and Chennai ,and for the final editing and mixing in New York we still need $72,300. Depending on the success we achieve in mobilizing this amount Thiruvasakam in Symphony will be released. If money is ready it just takes three weeks to complete the entire project. We appeal to your generosity to make a donation by way of checks payable to : "Thiruvasakam in Symphony", Tamil Maiyam,1/45-1A,Mount-Poonamallee High Road,St.Thomas Mount, Chennai 600 016, India. If you wish to donate with your credit card please visit and pay through
This is what tamilmm website sites. Sad that our LTCA did not get excited to promote this. A 1/100 of enthusiasm shown for anniayan, from LTCA might have made me feel happier. Atleast, now they should make some arrangements for bulk purchase or something like that.
VAsu, nice to hear.
PK, will definetly visit your website.
P B, at 9:59 PM
Agree PB. I am going to order Thiruvasagam soon.
The Doodler, at 8:01 AM
good. Please spread the message if you can.
P B, at 2:26 PM
I frankly expected that you would blog about Maestro's symphony. I think timing could not be right - especially with the momentum picking up.
When Ilayaraja said that this symphony was not his mission but the purpose of his life, it was fascinating. Would definitely get the CD - my two cents certainly to get some punyam out of this...
Just few thoughts -
1. members of ilayaraja yahoo groups can mobilise better ideas to market this CD
2. People with contacts (contact chains that might lead to biggies like Sony..) can give a try..Reportedly Sony was approched but did not sponsor.
Anonymous, at 9:03 PM
Ennada un Thalaivar (ARR) oda "Boys" padam music madhiri Sony keenynu try panna solra.
Idhu symphony illa,edho "Oratorio" form nnu solranga. Nee un thalivarta kaettu sollu.
Anonymous, at 9:18 AM
It is just enough we spread the words. It is not just about thiruvasagam CD, hope you will remeber
my blog on odhuvars . When this effort succeeds more such tamil works might get a lease of life. Pakkalam.
P B, at 9:25 AM
I was in US when Father Gasper visited to release/market his Thiruvachakam CD. Boston Bala and a lot of friends were in the gathering. At the end, there was a spontaneous flow of donations from all. Father should have been happy. But the CD is a flop. So much money need not have been spent on this project.
Is Tamil Mayyam interested in propagating Tamil literature only? I doubt.
Anonymous, at 6:30 AM
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