One small story:
This story is from Mahabharatham. Pandavas were defeated in the dice game by vice sakuni and they had to spend twelve years in “Vana Vasam” (living in forest) and one more year in “Agnyatha Vaasam” which is living in city with their identity concealed. They approached lord Krishna to help them in their time of difficulty. Sri Krishna advised arjuna to do penance in the forest to gain extra powers as he saw an imminent war in the end of their ordeal. Arjuna asked Krishna to suggest a place where they could live happily and also his penance would be successful. Krishna told him to get that information by meditating upon Lord Shiva. After few days, Arjuna came back to Krishna and told that he had vision of lord Shiva in human form with one hand on his mouth shut and another on crotch, while he was meditating. He pleaded Krishna to explain message of lord Shiva. Krishna told “One can live peacefully anywhere as long as his mouth and genitals are under ones control is the message of the Lord”.
(Note: This story is found in vyasa’s Mahabharatham as per Cho.)
Unanswered Question?
Paul Brunton is author of a book called “Search in Secret India” which is about “Yogis” and “Gurus” whom he met in India during his visit to this holy land in 1930s. As per the book, once he was spending a couple of months in ramana ashramam and interacted with many “sadhus”. Once he was explaining the scientific advancements that were taking place in west to a highly regarded sadhu Ramaiah. Paul Brunton told him about the motor car which was making impact in people’s lives then. Sadhu Ramaiah asked him “You say we can travel faster in a motor car. But I really don’t know why one has to travel that fast?”
Apart from all other reasons we can think of for the need to travel fast, people might have found it fascinating then, because traveling slow was boring to them. There might come a day when people might get fed up with this fast paced life and might find traveling by bullock cart or voyaging in a steam powered ship fascinating. “Manam oru kurangu, manitha manam oru kurangu”. (Mind is a monkey).
good stories pb!
mahabaratham pesigurathu is one that i wanted to read for quite sometime. nalla kadhai serious aa!
but i wish i go in a bullock cart only once a blue moon, i wouldnt want to shift to that entirely :(
Prabhu, at 10:13 AM
sooper pb..
kutti kadhai ellam solreenga!!!!
Maayaa, at 10:24 AM
Nice story, Muthu. Check out this link
on mind control:
The argument should have been about distances rather than speed...those days
people never travelled long distances...
read somewhere that it used to take one year for people to just go to Kasi (Varanasi).
Try imagining going to Walmart on a cycle or on foot...or even going to India on a ship (though that would be awesome until hit by a storm :)).
Subbu: What pissed off Muthu (PB actually) was that a biker on his cycle on the "right" lane was overtaking time at least leave the left lane for them...:).
Anonymous, at 11:23 AM
I think pilgrimage shud be done by walk only. If one goes to sabarimalai by walk, he has to to walk thru dense forests braving wild animals. Only who has total faith in god iyappa would undertake such pilgrimage. He will follow the austerities to the letter. His total surrender to supreme will is what he gets. That is wisdom. I seriously doubt what spiritual advancemen can happen by today's style of pilgrimage.
Note: In wine shops during the month of karthigai aiyappa devotees are served liqour is seperate glasses, one can see such notice boards outside wine shops. Shame on us.
P B, at 2:34 PM
அன்புள்ள முத்துகுமார் அவர்களுக்கு,
இரு கதைகளுமே அருமை.
என் தந்தை சொல்வது நினைவுக்கு வருகிறது.......
நீ எங்கு சென்றாலும் மூன்று விஷயங்கள் சுத்தமாக வைத்துக் கொள்.........
வாய் சுத்தம்
கை சுத்தம்
கௌபீன (loin cloth) சுத்தம்
இவை சுத்தமாயிருந்தால் உனக்குத் தொல்லை வரவே வராது என்பார்!
எவ்வளவு உண்மை!
வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
(Mis)Chief Editor, at 6:46 PM
Mahabharatham kadhai arumai..Sadhu oda pathilla yenna oru unmai..
How true is it that the realized people emphasize that its merely required to unlearn....and not learn (slog hard) to know the Truth. On the lighter side, one need not travel by himself if one is "transported" automatically as in a tirupathi queue in a pilgrim tour on foot :)
All these and more perceptions are as good as mistaking the rope to be a snake and what follows forth..
Anonymous, at 8:13 PM
Enna govi,
philosophy la kalakiraye pa..very good ra..
nandri. ithai padikum pothu enaku ninaivirku vanthathu
"தீயவை தீய பயத்தலால் தீயவை
தீயினும் அஞ்சப் படும்"
என்ற குறள் தான்.
P B, at 12:32 PM
You seem to be reverse case, when everyone prefers a bullock cart, u might fix a motor and ride it fast.
P B, at 12:33 PM
how can you undermine the faith of someone just because he merely uses a better mode of transport to the ayyappa temple?
there are crores of ayyappa bakhtars who never visit the temple only. what about their faith?
vaishnodevi and amarnath are as difficult pilgrimages. people sit on mules to reach there. is there faith anyless than one who walks all the way?
The Soul Doctor, at 3:22 PM
I am not underminig the faith, I doubt the efficacy. I think yathra's are meant to be done by straining physically. This is just my interpretation.
P B, at 3:52 PM
Glad to read something different..sinthikkavum vekkaringa..
Intha mahabharatahm kathaigellam cho oda bookla irukka? nambave yetho ramakrishna mutt books ninaichen.
You have shaked the very basic thought process, Muthukumar, by quoting the sadhu's reply on the fast paced life; this is a speed braker really for what we think of
in our lives...But is it how He/God has intended to evolve.
On the other hand is it not better to have some things done "faster" (daily routines) to spend say, some more time say at prayers, worship.
Naturally there seems to be a anamoly - some advancements are badly needed like Tsunami warning system ("faster" predictions), medical ("faster" treatment)
- but are they indisposable?...
Anonymous, at 10:37 PM
Hmm..karuthu kandasamy-a maaritteenga..bullock cart-la poradhu sugam dhaan..aanal mudhugu gaali aayidum nu ninaikkiren! Actually one day naan avarasarame padaama, nidhaanama spend pannanum nu ninaikkiren..sigh.
The Doodler, at 5:50 AM
Cho vin ramayanam pesugiradhu mahabharatham pesugiradhu, rendum padichu paarunga. Nalla irukum.
Rgrding Tsunami warning systems:
There can be lot of ways to understand nature. Only if we love nature we will know. MInd you no animal dies in earthquake, floods except those that are tamed at homes. Even those die with humans just for the sake of "viswasam".
My point in "Bullock cart" story is to say it is only human mind which indulges in different things thinking nature has certin short comings. It will keep on changing its priorities and needs.
P B, at 6:25 AM
hey muthukumar,
enna Rajini, Jayalalith madiri neeuuum short stories solla arramchuttta? eddhavaddhu politics enter aahurra idea lla errukiyya ;-) ?
Viji Sundararajan, at 7:53 AM
Going fast or slow depends directly proportional to faster or slower lifestyle. This depends on priority that one sets for life. Even today a farmer sets his/her life priority to be farming-with-household activities, so stays closer to work doesn't differntiate between working for work or home. Hence he/she could "afford" to slower, peacful life style. So no need for fast moving. We have, perhaps, set our life priorities to be different hence have to move a lot for each of the things - work, life, consume items etc. So we need to have a lot of tools to suit our life style.
Anonymous, at 8:34 AM
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