People I know

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Sex on the Beach ம் அசட்டு அம்பியும்

"குடி"மகன்கள் மீது எனக்கு சிறுவயதிலிருந்தே ஒரு அசூயை தோன்றிவிட்டதிற்கு காரணம் இல்லாமல் இல்லை. மக்கள் நலனில் சிறிதும் அக்கறை இல்லாமல் அரசாங்கம் "மலிவு விலை மது" கடைகளை திறந்த காலத்தில் மதுரையில் நான் வசித்த பேச்சியம்மன் படித்துரையில் ஒரு கடை திறக்கப் பட்டது. இரண்டு பெண்கள் மேல்நிலை பள்ளிகள், ஒரு சில ஆரம்ப பள்ளி கூடங்கள்,ஒரு ஆண்கள் மேநிலை பள்ளி, மிகப் பெரிய அனுப்பானடி சாக்கடை இருக்கும் பகுதியில் பச்சை கலர் பல்புகள் மாட்டிய சாராய கடை சத்தமாக இயங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தது.

அப்பொழுது தெருக்காளில் குடிமகன்கள் போதையில் வேட்டி இல்லாமல் தெருவில் அலங்கோலமாய் கிடந்த காட்சிகள் என் மனதில் குடிபவர்கள் மீது மாபெரும் வெறுப்பை ஏற்படுத்தி விட்டது. ஆனாலும் ஒரு சில நகைச்சுவை காட்சிகளும் கண்டு களித்ததுண்டு. உதாரணத்திற்கு ஒருவர் தெருவில் இருந்த கோழியை பார்த்து தனது வேட்டியை கழட்டி அகல விரித்துக் கொண்டு "டேய், சரியான கோலிடா நீ" என்று பேசிக்கொண்டிருந்தது, ஒருவர் கடும் போதையில் "repair" ஆகி நின்று கொண்டிருந்த "Road Roller" ஐ தள்ள மற்றொரு ஆள் அவருக்கு உதவுவதாக நினைத்துக் கொண்டு அவரை தள்ள இரண்டு பேரும் சக்கரத்தில் மோதி தரையில் கிடந்தது, அவ்வப்பொழுது சாக்கடையில் விழுந்துவிடும் குடிகாரர்கள் வெளியில் வராமாட்டேன் என்று அலும்பு பண்ணுவதும் பக்கத்தில் B1 police station ல் இருந்து police வந்து மிரட்டவும் "சுருதி" இறங்கி ஓடுவதுமாகிய காட்சிகளை நினைத்து இப்பொழுதும் சிரிப்பதுண்டு.

நான் படித்த பள்ளியில் 9வது 10வது படிக்கும் சில மாணவர்களே கூட குடிப்பழக்கம் கொண்டிருந்தனர். நண்பன் ஒருவன் சொன்ன வசனம் இது "இந்த வாத்தியான் என்ன பரிச்ச திருத்தறான். நான் போதைல மகேந்திரன பாத்து copy அடிச்சேன். என்ன எழுதறேன்னு எனக்கே தெரியாது. ஆனா markஅ பாத்தா நான் 75 அவென் 60. இவன்லாம் ஒரு வாத்தியான்!". இந்நிலையில் நெருங்கிய உற்வினர் ஒருவர் இளவயதில் ஏதோ ஒரு கலப்பட சரக்கிற்கு பலியான போது குடிபழக்கத்தின் ஆபத்தை உணர்ந்தேன். மிக ஒழுக்கமாய் உயர் பதவியில் இருந்த ஒருவர் சந்தர்ப்ப சூழ்நிலையால் இப்பழக்கதிற்கு அடிமை ஆனதை காட்டி என் அம்மா சிறு வயது முதலே மன கட்டுபாட்டுடன் வாழ வேண்டியதின் அவசியத்தை எனக்கு உணர்த்தி வளர்த்தார். ஆனாலும், கல்லூரியில் ஒரு முறை நான்கு நண்பர்கள் குடித்துவிட்டு வாந்தி எடுத்து அந்த வாந்தி மேலேயே படுத்து தூங்கிய கதையை கேட்ட பொழுது குடிப்பவர்கள் மனித பிறவிகளே அல்லர் என்னும் எண்ணம் திண்ணமாக தோன்றி விட்டது.

பிறகு வேலை நிமித்தம் நான் மும்மையில் இருந்தபொழுது, ஒரு party யில் ஆண்களும் பெண்களும் குடித்து கும்மாளமடித்துக் கொண்டிருந்ததை நம்ப முடியாமல் ஜீரணித்துக் கொண்டேன். அதே நேரம், என் roommate ஒருவன் என்னுடைய பழக்க வழக்கங்களால் கவரப்பட்டு குடிப்பதை விட போவதாக சொன்னபோது "மச்சி நீ நிறுத்தறதுன்னா உனக்காக நிறுத்திக்கோ! எனக்காக
வேணாம். அப்புறம் மறுபடியும் குடிச்சியானா நான் வருத்தப்டுவேன், நீ ஜாலியா இருப்ப" என்றேன். பின்னர் அமெரிக்கா வந்த பொழுது New Year வந்தது என்று சொல்லி தமிழ் பெண்கள் ஆண்களுடன் சேர்ந்து குடித்து கும்மாளம் போட்டனர். எனக்கு தெரிந்த வரை அந்த பெண்கள் சென்னை "பிராமணாள்" ஆக இருந்ததால், நமது நாட்டின் கலாசார சீரழிவிற்கு "நம்மவாளின்" பங்களிப்பு மகத்தானது என்ற என் எண்ணம் மேலும் உறுதியானது. பாரதியின் "எல்லோரும் சமம் என்பது உறுதியாச்சு" என்ற வரி ஞாபகம் வந்தது. இந்த மாதிரி இடத்தில் சில "நம்மவாளின்" போலித்தனம் என்னை மிகவும் கவர்ந்த ஒன்று. Sex on the Beach அடித்துக் கொண்டே ஒரு பெண் சொன்னது "நாங்க எல்லாம் ஆச்சாரமானவா"!. ஆனால் ஒரு அளவிற்கு நமது கலாசாரத்தை விட்டுக் குடுகாமல் இருக்கும் பெரும்பான்மையான ஆண்களும் பெண்களும் US ல் இருக்கிறார்கள் என்பதை மறுப்பதற்கில்லை தான்.

ஆனால் என்னுடைய அனுபவத்தில் சமீப காலங்களில் இப்பழக்கம் இளைஞர்களிடம் மிகவும் பெருகி விட்டதை பார்க்கிறேன். வார இறுதி முழுவதும் குடிக்கிறார்கள். யாருக்காவது Birth day, marriage day, death day என்று எதேனும் சாக்கு வைத்து குடித்த வண்ணம் இருக்கிறார்கள். என்னையும் குடிப்பதற்கு சிபாரிசு செய்யும் பொழுது நண்பன் ஒருவன் சொன்னது "மச்சி! நான் குடிக்காம இருந்து இருக்கேன், குடிச்சும் இருந்து இருக்கேன். நான் சொல்றேன் குடிச்சா தான் ஜாலி. அதுனால குடி". அவனுக்கு பாரதியின் "சிங்கம் நாய் தர கொள்ளுமோ நல்லரசாட்சியை" என்ற "மாயையை பழித்தல்" கவிதை வரியை சொன்னேன்.

நான் குடிபழக்கம் கொண்டிராவிட்டாலும், எப்பொழுதும் எதேனும் ஒரு வகையில் "குடி" என்னை பாதித்த வண்ணமே இருந்துள்ளது. நண்பர்களுடன் company காக மதுக்கூடம் செல்வதுண்டு. ஆனாலும் மேற்கூறிய போலித்தனங்கள் எனக்கு பிடிபதில்லை. பெண்கள் குடிப்பதை பார்க்கும் போது ஏற்படும் அதிர்ச்சி எனக்கு நீங்கியவாறு தெரியவில்லை.இனிமேல் ஆண்களும் பெண்களும் குடித்துவிட்டு கும்மாளம் போடும் இடங்களுக்கு போவதில்லை என்று முடிவு செய்துவிட்டேன். "ஒருக்காலும் புலன்களுக்கு அடிமைப் பட்டு வாழ்வதால் மேலான நிலையை அடைந்து விட முடியாது, எல்லோரும் திருந்த வேண்டும்" என்று நினைத்து இப்படி சொல்லவில்லை. ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் Bar லும், Dance floor லும் வெட்டிக்கு நின்றுக் கொண்டிருப்பது அலுத்து விட்டது. "எள்ளு தான் எண்ணைக்கு காயுதுன்னா, அதோட எலி புழுக்கையும் ஏன் காயுது" என்ற பழமொழிக்கு உதாரணமாக வாழ்ந்தது போதும் என்று தோன்றியதால் இந்த பதிவு.


  • machi... orey oru kelvi. kudikkirathu thappunnu solriyaa illa rightaa??

    - u know who

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:59 AM  

  • athu avan avan ishtam machi..nadakatha podurathu iyerunga kudikartha perumaiya pesarathu and also trying to have both sides (achAram keechAram vaila alanthu vittutu sidela Theertha VAri Pannidurale) kudikAthavana otrathu ithellam thappu. Erkanave niraya pesitom itha pathi..ithu message solrathukaga podala..annoda anubhavatha poduren..avlo thAn.

    By Blogger P B, at 11:04 AM  

  • pattaa theriyum paappanukku is what aptly summarizes your resolution of not to going to bar anymore. :)

    being there in same petchiamman padithurai and having gone thru all these plus the ganja vidalaigaL in vaigai somehow i developed hatred towards drinking. may be it is wrong to hate something but this hatred has helped me in a good way. so have always avoided going to bars/dance floors just coz wanted to avoid embarassment to me and to the persuasive friends of mine who drink and try to convince me too.

    the best ever joke i have heard about why i can drink is -- alcohol is pure vegetarian so why dont you try? ofcourse many a times i have heard some vedic chanting voices too voice their drinking habit quoting soma baana, suraa baana crap. "hat" vaadhiyaar, our neighbour, used to chid these "drunken-monk" shastris' words as "samayaththukku sastram".

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:14 AM  

  • hey u know who..

    kudikardhu thappu man..

    pb nalla blog


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:35 PM  

  • "Naanga ellam aacharamaanava" kku artham "Enga veetla suthhta iyer baashai thaan pesuvom", adhukku mela edhuvume kedayaadhu. Idhuve naanga yaaravadhu solirundha, ivan, idha thaan mean panniruppan nu vittutttu poiruppe ille ? Konjam theriyaadhavangalukku andha "benefit of doubt" kedayaadha ? And also, pengalum senrdhu kudikkaraanga nu thaniya solradhu thappu. Aangal kudikkaradhu evlo thappo adhe alavu dhaan pen senjaalum thappu. All this said, the writing style in this article was very of your really good ones so far !

    By Blogger dinesh, at 12:44 PM  

  • @sridhar
    naama niraya blog namma area aalungala base panniye podalam..athan ppl I know nu peru vechen.

    By Blogger P B, at 1:27 PM  

  • @vijay
    u know who ellam thiruvalluvar sonna kooda thiruntha maatan..avana loosela vidu.

    Thanni adikarathil pasangalukum ponnugalukum difference irukave iruku. Ataiellam detaileda pesanumna innoru blog theva padum. Also ippo intha isue ellam trivial Agi athaium thAndi engeyo poyachu.

    intha story ithula irukira Abathai pathi pesuthu. Irunthalum there are lotta other views.

    Maamsam saapdarathu, thanni adikarthu, dham adikarthu ellam pannitu iyer bhashai pesindu alaiyarathu verum jambamAve paduthu. othuka mudiyathu.

    By Blogger P B, at 1:33 PM  

  • Hmm, interesting post.Title-ku Friday Night-nu per vechirkalam. Smoking-a pathi utta ? ;)
    Nan ketta vara makkal solrathu ennaNa

    Kudikarthu Jolly-ku!
    ippo enjoy pannama eppO enjoy panna Pora?
    Control-a kudicha thappey illai!
    Ellathiyum Anubavikka paaru machi.

    But quite frankly speaking, among my friends, above 70% of people are regular and accasional drinkers. But Sai Santosh solra maari Teetotalers-nu vera sollipaanga .. edha pathi pesiney polaam. Aaga motham Thanni oru thaduva adichaalum pathu thadava adichalum doesn't going to make any difference.

    Dinesh solra maari PoNNu Adicha ennNa PaYYan adicha eNna ? Ellam same thaan-nu me thinking...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:55 PM  

  • -Vasu

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:55 PM  

  • Ponnu thanni adikkirathukkum paiyyan adikkirathukkum differencey illannu solra murpokku vaadhigalukku... madurai summerla namma PB sattai illaama veliya suthuvaar. Adhey veyilla oru ponnu sattai illaama veliya suthuna neenga eppidi PB "nake-out"aa suthuradha porul padutha maateengalo athey pola andha ponnukkum treatment kidaikumaa?? sathiyamaa illa... so idhellaam thaan ponnu pannalaamnu irukku... for eg. satti kazhuvuradhu, cook panrathu, veeta perukkurathu. kolam podurathu, pillaya sumakkurathu etc... athula avanga gavanam seluthattum. thanni dhamma aambalaingalukku vittu kudukkattum. pen veetin kula vilakkunnu solluvaanga. thappaana messagea parappi "kudi vilakkaa" aakidaatheenga pls. idha comprehend panna mudiyalainnaa simpleaa onnu solrein... rendu perum senthu mappu adichaa veetukku car otturadhu yaaru? siren podura maamaavaa?? yosinga plsss.

    - u know who

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:05 PM  

  • U know who - Aaha arputham :))..

    Arivu arivu .. yosichittain :) Ungal sevai naatukku thevai :)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:15 PM  

  • The point, "women getting into these habits is as bad as men into these habits" is based on the premise "individual morality". but when it comes to effect-on-domestic the degree of effect differs.

    urupadaadha appan irukkara veetula, alladhu appavE illaadha veetula ammavaala nalla munnukku vandha piLLaingaLOda vigidhamaanadhu, sariyilla amma alladhu amma illaadhu appaavaala vaLarndha piLLaingaLOda adhigam.

    So, imho, women getting these bad habits have more bad effects to the family and society than men.

    here it doesn't mean that "hence it is acceptable for men to go bad". nor i mean to imply that "only women have more domestic responsibility than men", nor it can be construed as "a widower can remarry citing this reason but not a widow" These statements are taken to skewed-level.

    naanum itta thee eriga eriga vE :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:16 PM  

  • @u know who
    Unaku pathil solla sariyana magalir aniyinarai azhaikiren - che patti mandra naduvara iruntha pazhakam

    By Blogger P B, at 3:17 PM  

  • Mr Vidhanda Vaadha "U know who" (idhukku peraye ezhudhirukkalaam nee, because "everybody knows who"),

    Pengalukkum aangalukkum sila biological differences undu. PB sattai illaama suththuvaaan..enga avala suththa sollu paaklaam nu 6 th std la sonna adhe argument a ippoyum solla koodaadhu. Equality for both sexes oda artham purinju pesanum. Sila natural/biological factors a thavira, matha ellathlayum equality a folllow pannuvom. Namma seivomaama, adhu kammi thappaama, anaa avanga senja adhu jaasthi thapppu nu solradhu mada thanam. Satti kazhuvaradhu, samaikkaradhu idhellam onnaalayum seyya mudiyum. Adhe maadhiri, computer programing oru ponnaalayum adhe expertise oda panna mudiyum. Onakkku idhu dhaan varum, nee idha mattum thaan seyyanum nu boundaries pottu oru sex a innoru sex control panna nenaikkaradhu racism kku samam.

    Rendu perum mabbaaganumna enna panradhu nu kekkaraye ? Oru naal ava ottinaaa na, oru naal nee adikkaama avala kootittu po. Illena, rendu perum, sandhoshama mabbu aagi, taxi pudinga ! Adhu enna ongalukku extra selavaa theriyudho ?

    By Blogger dinesh, at 3:56 PM  

  • hey!now i know how so many ppl respond to your blog - u ask for it! :P
    anyways i like the fact that you've chosen a good cocktail as the title...thanni adikkathathukkey ivalo gnyaanam'na...thanni adicha?! dinesh pongi ezhunthutaan polirku?

    By Blogger Whatever, at 4:35 PM  

  • @whatever
    ladies side ku represent panni pesungo ladies..athuku thAn ungala kOptadhu..engAlu u know who enna solrarunu pApom athuku thAn.

    By Blogger P B, at 4:40 PM  

  • thambi thinEsu

    neerarindhavar thamakkE uriya thudukku thanaththOdu, aanaal ummakku saadhagamaagaththaan pEsuraarayyaa. naan thaan umadhu karuthukkEdhiraaga pEsugirEn :)

    kadaisiyaaga naan koori amavadhu ennavenRaal(gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp....soda kudichching)....thaNNi adippadhu thappu. thappa yaaru senjaalum thappu thapputhaan idhil paal bEdham illai. aanaal oru ajeerana vayiRRukkaaranukku paal tharavEndumenRaal pasumpaalaa illai erumai paalaa enRu bEdham paarkkavEndum, adhu pOla....looking at the crowd in vain to see someone, atleast clapping...none...but still...andha thappa senjittaa adhunaala suRRaththukku baadhippu endhaLavu irukkum enRu seer thookki paarthaaal paal bEdham innilayil varuvadhu thavirkka mudiyaadhadhE, adhu nidharsanamum kooda.


    nEram adhigamaagivittadhinaal idhuvarai vaaipaLiththa 38-aavadhu vatta muththukkumaarukku 39-aavadhu vatta sridhar nanRi koori vidai perugirEn, nanRi vaNakkam.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:12 PM  

  • pengalai madhikkum kaavalare
    pengalin madhippai petrirukkum kovalare
    paattisaikkum paavalare
    varuga varuga!!
    atheppadi machi... enga oru pennukku avalam nadandhaalum, athu PB endra aanmaganin blogaa irundhaalum vandhu correctaa kural kuduthudura!!! keep it up machi.

    btw...back to the point. 6aavadhula sonna argumenta solla koodaathaa?? annaikku padicha laws of physics maariducha, illa annaikku udhicha sooriyan innaikku merkaala udhikkudhaa? appidi irukkum podhu ethukku naam nammai maathikkanum?

    Dinesh said: "nee idha mattum thaan seyyanum nu boundaries pottu oru sex a innoru sex control panna nenaikkaradhu racism kku samam"

    aandavan sema moola kaaran machi. rendu perum equalnnu avan ninaichi irundhaanna rendu peraiyum orey timela create panni iruppaan, but unfortunately, aan vilaavilirundhu pennai padaichathaa periyavaa solraa. idhu mattum illa... aambalaiya oyarama padaichaan, ponna kuttaiyaa padaichaan(exceptiongal examplegalaaga maattaathu); aambalaya valimaiyaa padaichaan, ponna sodhaavaa (sila pen virumbigal "menmai"nnu solluvaanga...its ok) padaichaan; vayasu aaga aaga aan azhaga ethunaan, pen azhaga kulaichaan; innum sollikittey pogalaam. idhula eppidi thaan nee "rock-scissor-paper" aadunaalum, aambalai pombalaiya thooki pottu midhichiruvaan. by creation pengal weaker sexaa irukkanumdrathu aandavan kattalai. idha purinji pengalum pengalukkaaga vettiya varinjikattittu vara aangalum nadakkanum. adha vittuttu puliya paathu poona soodu potta kadhaiyaa... avan kudikkiraan naanum kudikkireinnu adam pidichaa?? vadivel solra maadhiri sirupillau thanamaa illa irukku. ennadhaan vaanuyara oorkuruvi parandhaalum valuvula parundhaaga mudiyaathu. idhai purinji aangal solra padi pengal nadandhaa madhi illaiyel athooo gadhi.
    - u know who

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:15 PM  

  • pb
    post romba nallaa irukku..
    i agree that yaarume kudika koodathudhaan..

    aaana girls kudikave koodathu..
    Dinesh, I can give you toxicological reasons for it ..

    Alcohol stays longer in women's body as we girls have lower levels of alcohol dehydogenase to metabolize. it has a direct effect on estrogen levels (not on testosterone).

    8 beer pasanga adikalaamna adhe effect 2-3 beerlaye vandhudum girlskku!!

    moreover body weight and other factors would complicate girls situation resulting in effects that affect the nervous system of the self and the offspring!!
    One of the sites reg this:

    By Blogger Maayaa, at 8:56 PM  

  • ponnunga thanni adikardhunaala -
    avangala mattum keduthukaama, veetla, mathavangalukku adhigaselavum (treatment for multi complication) vechu, nimmadhi pogi, loose kirukka aagi, kirukaa pasangala pethu (due to effects on estrogen and reproductive complications),veetukkum naatukkum kedudhal seiraanga!!

    aanaa pasanga thanninnaala ivlo prachnai illa..(I am still not saying no prachanai )

    ippo en vaadham okaya!!!

    By Blogger Maayaa, at 9:06 PM  

  • priya urupadiyana thagavalgal. romba pidichirunthathu. I know certain extents about biological problems, but not this detailed. thks for sharing this info.

    By Blogger P B, at 9:21 PM  

  • PB,

    naanum paiyan, ponnu rendu perum kudikkaradhu thappunnu soldren.
    ongala maadhiriye, enakkum sila siru vayadhu anubavangalaala, kudingaradhula
    oru veruppu aazhamaa padhindhuruchu... Adhu enna 'nammalavaa' kudikkaradha
    specificaa solli irukkeenga...yaaraa irundhaalum kudikkaradhu thappu dhaan. also,
    namma oorula ovvoru edathula irukkaravan ovvoru slangla pesuvaan...adhu maadhiri,
    iyerunga oru slangla pesaraangannu nenachukka....

    'namadhu naattin kalaachaara seerazhivirkku nammalavaalin pangalippu magathaanadhu'
    apdindradhu konjam adhigamaa thaan offence meant.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:04 PM  

  • Sridhar,

    The effects of a woman drinking can have more bad effects on the family nu solreenga. Maruppu sollale. Oru reservation oda oththukkaren. Anaa, naan solradhu, oru ethical stand point lerndhu. Oru point note panneenga na, naan kudikkaradha endorse pannave ille. I am saying, from an ethical stand point, aambilai senju adhu thappu nu aachuna, ponbalai senjaalum adhe alavukku dhaan thappu. Penn Senjaa jaasthi thappu nu solradhu, chauvinism. Naan pannuven, anaa nee panna koodaadhu nu solradhu hypocrisy !

    Toxicology points accepted. Although it does appear a little exaggerated, I claim ignorance. But nee solradhukkum, U know who solradhukkum oru fundamental difference irukku. Nee solradhu, pengaalal avlo eduhukka mudiyaadhu na solradhu acceptable. Pengal, weaker sex, kaduvulaala appdi amaikka patrukkaanga, appdiye sethu ozhiyattum nu solradhu vera !

    By Blogger dinesh, at 10:40 PM  

  • @Sundaresan
    There are many reasons for me having such low opinion abt nammavAls. Atha pathi sometimes I might make a post. Right now I am sorry if my view hurts you.

    By Blogger P B, at 10:51 PM  

  • The effects of a woman drinking can have more bad effects on the family nu solreenga. Maruppu sollale.

    fine, exactly. adha mattum thaan naan sollurEn. adhukku mEla edhuvum naan sollalai.

    i dont endorse things beyond that because those are skewed thing and are basically wrong (be it chauvinism or not; be chauvinism is correct or not, i dont care).

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:07 PM  

  • thambreee pb

    unnOda blog-layE idhukku thaan highest comment vandhirukku.

    vaazhthuradhaa illa vayyuradhaannu theriyala :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:14 PM  

  • "nee thanniyum adikaradhillai, dhu um illa, NV yum saapida maatengare. aprom ena dhaan pannuve?"

    idai naan kettu kettu salichu pochu.

    ennamo naan velai illama irukara madhiri....

    PB, people like u and me in this aspect are not just minority, we are invisible minorities.

    and priya solra facts ellam ... namakku onnum theriyadhu.. avanga sonna corecta daan irukum...

    But more than right and wrong,
    indulgence in drinking is a responsibility issue. both to the society and the family.

    i think the responsibility shud be equal for the both the sexes.

    regarding "nammavaal factor.." well naan brahmin illa, but then idile onnum vidyasame illai enakku therinchu. ella community la yum irukaanga. brahmins layum irukaanga.

    inda kalachaaram concept ku naan
    varalai. i have my own views on that.

    By Blogger expertdabbler, at 6:50 AM  

  • @PK
    I guess you have expressed your view kalacharam in of your comments and also in your blog. "Iyers" thanni adikartha ennala othuka mudiyathathuku niraya karanam iruku, which I did not elaborate. Naan post la sonna mathiri not all are bad. MOst ppl are good.

    By Blogger P B, at 8:16 AM  

  • pengal weaker sex...sethuozhiyattum...
    indha point ellam thappu dhaan dinesh.i agree..

    By Blogger Maayaa, at 9:27 AM  

  • Pk yoda pointkku varuvom..

    yaarume thanni adika koodadhunnu solra concept right. adhanaala thaan 'avvai'leirundhu ellarum ' madhu arundhaandhadhey'nnu ellarukum sonnaanga..avanga sonnanganna that means there were people drinking even those days. Even in ramayana, when hanuman goes insearch of seetha all kshatriyaas & asuras were drinking & having fun.. But, to my knowledge in the history no where the people under brahmin community had drunk because the brahmins job was just to give intellectual input to rulers & alcohol affects their nervous system. Its only the people who physically toil or as a part of job who were allowed to drink.

    But, ippo dhaan ellaarum ore maari velai seiyaaromennu solveenga..infact even the food habits are getting pretty closely same say like before, only kshatriyas and sudras were allowed to eat vengaayam as it will induce 'raja' gunam (attitute to fight against) but now everybody has .. adhu true dhaan..

    still from pharmacogenetic aspects, i will not agree that brahmins can also drink. Evolutionarily, the genetic make of your body has been set up / got from ur ancestors & WE have some genes whose activity are regulated increased/decreased based on ur ancestors eating habits. some are polymorphic (meaning there is a modification of one gene expression in a individual from how it generally is in others). Our body may throw up unexpected complications at an unexpected time just due to our individual genetic make up!

    aprom 'ayoo'naa varaadhu 'amma'nnavaraadhu!!!

    By Blogger Maayaa, at 10:02 AM  

  • Ayya "u know who" periyavare,

    Ongaloda argue panra maadhiri oru futile effort ulagathla edhuvum kedayaadhu nu therinjum argue panren na adhukku orey oru kaaranam la panna vera edhuvume illaye :)

    "aandavan sema moola kaaran machi. rendu perum equalnnu avan ninaichi irundhaanna rendu peraiyum orey timela create panni iruppaan, but unfortunately, aan vilaavilirundhu pennai padaichathaa periyavaa solraa"

    Manushan eppdi manukku vandhan ngaradhu nobody knows. There are only theories. Nee sonnadhu anaa theories la kooda varaadhu. Aaan ukkum pennukkum adippadai verupadugal irukku. Adhu ellame natural factors. Aan a physically strong a padaichaan. Penn a Mentally strong a padaichaan. Inge onnu, ange onnu. Avlo dhaan. Adhunaale avanga weaker sex aayida maattaanga. Adimai paduththanum nu nenaikkara aanum, adimai a irundha thappille nenaikkara pennum dhaan indha equality kku biggest resistance.
    "adha vittuttu puliya paathu poona soodu potta kadhaiyaa... avan kudikkiraan naanum kudikkireinnu adam pidichaa??"
    Adam pidicha ? enna thapppu ? Edhuvum thappa therilaye. Kudikkaradhu avangaalalayum mudiyuthu. senjuttu poraanga. Vaara Vaaram thavaraama bottle bottle a kavukkalaam aama , anaa ponnunga thanni adicha " avala yaar machi kattikkuvanga, thanni ellam adikkaraa" nu solradhu hypocrisy. Namma panna thappu ille, adhe avanga panna koodaadhu nu solradhu double standards a therile ?

    "idhai purinji aangal solra padi pengal nadandhaa madhi illaiyel athooo gadhi"

    Namma enna saadhichurukkom nu avangala namma sol padi nadakka solre ? yen idhuve avanga sonna neenga kettukka matteengalo ? Idhukku per than chauvisnism...enakku ongala maadhiri color color a kavidhai ellam solla theriyaadhu, but yen mela thappirundha, adha vaakku vaadhathla budhisaalithanama maraichida try panna maattten !

    By Blogger dinesh, at 2:13 PM  

  • Makkale!
    Odi poirunga. Priya Home work kuduka pora toxicology la. Thanks giving ku appuram test!!

    By Blogger P B, at 2:20 PM  

  • Dinesh and u know who:

    Unga arguments over. Inime theerpu thAn..antha thErpu ennana "Kakkaka kAkAga vena, kokoka KogOO vena".

    Ithuku artham Adutha meetingla solrenungana". PUlavargale satru sAnthamaga vilayadungal. Ungalukul sarchai irukalam Anan sandaiyaga mArivida kOdadhu.

    By Blogger P B, at 2:27 PM  

  • idhu yaaraiyum pun paduthavo, kuripitta aalukkaagavo illai

    "mentally more matured for the same age than men" ippidi solli irundhaa maruthu irukka maatein. mentally strongnnu oru gunda thookki podureenga. enga irundhu indha maadhiri karpanaigal thondruthu ungalukku. illa neenga vera endha logathilaavathu irukkeengala? kadinji sonnaaley kanna kasakkura noothula 70 ponnu mentally strong thaan machi.

    atheppidi... "oru vaaram nee drive pannu ava thanni adikkattum". evalo pesureengaley... publicaa nalla thanni adikkira ponnu (mudinja kanjaavum kasakkura ponnu) onna pudichi... avungala unga veetla introduce panni oru kalyanatha podalaamey. thanni ponnu adikkalaamnnu solra ovvoruthanum idha dhillu irundha seiyya sollunga paappom. appo mattum "kanagaambaram" venum aana pechu thaan appidinnu varum podhu pesi theethura vendiyathu. nalla velai aandavan oru vaaya padachaan.

    ulagathula ellaamey rendu thaan. nanmai-theemai, sari-thappu, pagal-iravu, vela seiravan-velai vaanguravan, aalravan-aala paduravan... oru inductiona potta... adakkuravan-adangi poravan. idhula adakkura urimai ella aanukkum undu. kaaranam avan thaan bread-winner. idhu ezhuthappatta niyadhi. neenga enna solla poreengannu theriyudhu. appo velaikku pora ponnu bread-winner illayaa...athaana kelvi? 25% velaikku pora ponna pathi ninaikka vendaam (enakku velaikku ponnu porathula udanpaadu illa... PBkkum thaan. koodiya viraivil indha topicla oru blog poduvaaru avaru). 80-20 rule pottu thookki podunga minoritya veliya.

    so aan pennai aalurathukku ellaa thaguthi mattrum tharaadhaaramum irukku yenna aan superior being idhukku peru "chauvinism" illa..."pazhamaiyai maravel"

    - u know who

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:46 PM  

  • "PBkkum thaan. koodiya viraivil indha topicla oru blog poduvaaru avaru)."

    Dei ithellam ennada? kidaikira onnu rendu figuraium virata vazhi panra nee? Ithellan NAn sonnathillai.

    Also comment size ku oru restriction podanum da..en bloga vida perusA iruku unga comment. Theerpa potruken padichu therinjikanga. Apdiye Odi poirunga!

    By Blogger P B, at 3:01 PM  

  • PB...
    naan sonnathu poiyya!!! sari othukkurein. mahabharatham pesugirathula ponna pathi mattamaa ezhudhi irukkaan. aanaa athula 100% unmai irukkunnu sonniyeh... athuvum poiyyaa?

    -u know who

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:09 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger dinesh, at 3:20 PM  

  • Idhu vera yaarukkum generalized a sollale, kurippittu ungalukku mattum dhaan solren Mr. u know who :)

    "evalo pesureengaley... publicaa nalla thanni adikkira ponnu (mudinja kanjaavum kasakkura ponnu) onna pudichi... avungala unga veetla introduce panni oru kalyanatha podalaamey"

    Nyaayamaana pechu (for a change). Andha maadhiri seyya thunivu illaadha endha oru aanum, inge pesa vendiya avasiyam ille ! Naan solradhu onnnu, anaa enakkum nu varum bodhu follow panna maaten nu solra type a irundhirundhen a indha argument la ivlo balama pesi irundhirukka maatten.

    "oru inductiona potta... adakkuravan-adangi poravan "

    Indha conviction oda yen indha pechu varudhu ? yen na indha case la neenga adakkaravan...adangi poravana irundhaa vandhurukkuma indha veembu pechchu ? Edhukkume oru evolution irukku machi. Mun kaalathla pengal ellam veetla samayal senju mudichu, thinnai la kanavar (adhaanga, neenga solra adhe bread winner) varugai kku wait pannina kaalam epoyo mudinjudhu. Ippo neraya bread winners pengalum vandhaachu. Eppdi from nearly 0 % ippo 20 % kku vandhudhu working ladies oda count ? That is evolution. As time goes on, innum um koodum. Adha thadukkanum nu nenaikkaradhu, madathanam (adhaanga, quality engineering slang la "resistance to change"). Aan superior being, kaala kaalathukku appdiye irukkum nu nenaichikittu irundhaa, ukkandhikitte irukka venidyadhu dhaan. Pengal munnera neenga sonna maadhiri murpokku vaadhigal thevai ille, anaaa, munneraama irukka, ongala maadhiri makkal(naanga dhaan superior, engala neenga adakkavum koodaadhu, andha nenaippe varavum koodaadhu nu sollittu thiriya aasaamigal) aala onnum panna mudiyaadhu ! Thankfully, neenga solradha kekka nethikki irundha koottam inniku ille. Innikku irukkara 4 per nalaikku irukka maattanga !

    By Blogger dinesh, at 3:24 PM  

  • "enakkum nu varum bodhu follow panna maaten nu solra type a irundhirundhenaa."

    unga nalla manasukku indha maadhiri ponnu ungalukku amaiya koodaathunnu aandavanai prarthikkirein. but vidhi valiyatha irundha... andha situation vandhaa... "andha" ponna veetla introduce pannum podhu (for our good times' sake) ennaiyum plssss kootittu ponga. atha naan paarthey theeranum.

    "Pengal munnera neenga sonna maadhiri murpokku vaadhigal thevai ille, anaaa, munneraama irukka, ongala maadhiri makkal..."

    Ada kadavuley... vidiya vidiya ramayanam pesi... ippo pengalukku nadakkurathu munnetramey illandrein athukku thadai naan nnu solreengaley. ippo yerpadurathu munnetramaa illa pennukku pinnadaivaanney theriyaama irukka ungala ninaichi sirikkirathaa illa azhugurathaa?

    - u know who

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:37 PM  

  • PB....
    machi oru seernthirutha blog pottappuram thaan makkaloda ariyaamai irul ivalo irukkaannu adhisayikka thonuthu. atha velichathukku kondu vandha un blogukku nandri.

    thodarndhu un sevai thodaranum. makkal ariyaamai neenganum. maaya irul agalanum. pudhiya ulagam janikkanum. adhil aan raajiyam malaranum!!!

    - u know who

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:38 PM  

  • makkaLs,

    pb blog-kku 40+ comments-aa? NO...NOT...NEVER.

    see, neenga ellaarum ippidi sanda pOttu comments count-a increase paNNiyadhaala pb sagattu mEnikku pOi solluraan

    kidaikira onnu rendu figuraium virata vazhi panra nee?

    thambreee pb ennaikku da unakku onnu rendu kidaichchirukku. pOi...mElum pOi?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:51 PM  

  • U know who,

    Could you still elaborate in detail about your viewpoints? :)

    I know who.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:10 PM  

  • i know who...
    mudiyaleenga. sila puriyaatha makkalukkaaga type panni panni veral veengunathu thaan micham. sari aanathum thirumba panrein.

    -u know who

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:31 PM  

  • muthukumar

    i guess u have got a kool blog over here..

    best wishes..

    will blogroll u shortly

    By Blogger krishna, at 10:22 PM  

  • @Krishna
    Thank You.

    By Blogger P B, at 7:27 AM  

  • pb!!
    kamalahaaasan vidyaasa padam eduthu homework kuduthaa paathutu veetla seiveenga!!

    ar rahaman lyrics purinjukka metttu pottu homework kuduthaa adhaa seiveenga!!

    Naan toxicology nalla vishayangal sonna adhu homeworkaa .. ellaam neram pb!!!! neram!!!

    By Blogger Maayaa, at 1:08 PM  

  • @ PB,
    padichu mudikardhukulla rendu bottle thanni kudichuten... thanni na.. water- H20.. :)

    jokes aside, sooooooper post... my feeling about this discussion - totally FUTILE. nee post panna reason, like you have mentioned is just to put down your experiences. But inga enna da na oru micro-sandaye nadakudhu... hmmm...

    "thoongaravana ezhupidalaam...thoongara maadhiri nadikaravana sathiyama ezhuppa mudiyaadhu.. " :)

    only one difference in opinion -- you seem to feel bad that "NammalavAA" thanni adikardhu thappu nu... enna poruthavarikkum thanni adikaradhe thappu dhan... adhula nammalava enna verava enna..

    enakku idha pathi pesi pesi aluthu pochu. unfotunately i have to pretend everytime that i am really comfortable around people who drink and happen to be my best friends...of either sex. :(

    @ Priya,
    really cool facts about the physiological differences.. didnt know this much details.. thanks a bunch!

    By Blogger Zeppelin, at 2:28 PM  

  • @arun:
    un commenta yaravathu pathu naan unna ennamo messenger la comment poda sonnathavum nee udane pottathavum ninaichiratha mathiri talenta comment potukire..nandri hai

    By Blogger P B, at 8:14 PM  

  • thanks arun!! ungalukku theriyudhu facts evlo mukkiyamnnu..silarukku theriyala:)

    pb, half century comments adi try panraar.. naanum innoru comment pottu udhavaren!!! saapdunga!!

    By Blogger Maayaa, at 12:45 AM  

  • priya oru lady vijayakanth..pesum pothe ketrunga..moonjila kuthira pora captain mathiri..

    jokes apart. En blog la kooda urupadiyana vishayam varavechathuku priya avargale nandri.

    Naan ennamo priya va 49th comment poda solli, nAn 50th comment pottukittadha popular Anale ithellam sAtharanam appa.

    By Blogger P B, at 11:17 AM  

  • dei romba aadaadha...adangu. 50 comments-la unnOda reply; ennOda comment ellaam kazhichchi paaththa usual 10 thaan thErum. neways congrats on getting 50+ comments.

    only one difference in opinion

    exactly... indha maadhiri expression of difference of opinion has what made this blog to reach its unbelievable 50 :)

    you seem to feel bad that "NammalavAA" thanni adikardhu thappu nu... enna poruthavarikkum thanni adikaradhe thappu dhan... adhula nammalava enna verava enna..

    one thing arun neengaLum, dinesh-um solluradhu something like "koLLai adikkaradhu thappu adha yaaru adichchaa enna?". it is a valid, correct, point which roots itself to "individual" point of view. No qualms or difference of opinion here. However what pb and I were saying is one of it; a corollary of this, that is, something like "koLLai adikkaradhu thappu; adhulayum police-karanE koLLai adichchaa?" kind.

    dei pb...see im helping u a lot to reach the next milestone 75 by keeping the burner burning...december-la nee oorukku varrappa ennai nalla gavani ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:44 PM  

  • dei pick pocket (u know who)
    tank u da tank u..

    pothum da 50 comments ithuku mela venam. Seekiram adutha bloga pottu puthu paraparapa kootuvom.

    By Blogger P B, at 5:33 PM  

  • pbyin thanadakkathai mechukiren :)

    enna pb ipdi solreenga?!

    'thanni adikaatha'nnuradhey oru urupadiyaa vishayam.. ipdi oru sensitive topica (apdi aayidichu) postaa, dhariyamaa potadhukku nandri pb!!

    indha nandriya indirectaa kettu vaangiteenga:)..ponga..ponga

    By Blogger Maayaa, at 8:49 AM  

  • Dinesh Said!


    Oru thusrday afternoon conversation between myself and U know who that goes like this..

    Him: "Machi, namma PB oru blog pottugiraaan. Paathiya ?"
    Me: "Illaye, appdi enna perisa ezhuthirukka poraan ?"
    Him: "Edho, thanni adikkaradhu thappaam...naan konjam poondhu kalaikkalaam nu irukken"
    Me: "Dei chi, yen da onakku indha velayaattu ellam?"
    Him: "Summa iru machi, indha friday nigh, pakkathla okarndhu side dish saapidare naaingala summa vida koodathu. Avane chance kuduthirukkan, idha vechchu konjam velayadam"
    Me: "Enna panna pore ?"
    Him: "Machi oru idea, naanum neeyum maathi maathi comment vittu, PB a konjam alpa sandhoshathukku alaakkuvoma ?"
    Me: "Enna solre, purile"
    Him: " Ille, machi, oru ideological difference a undu panni, commment mela comment a adippom machi, adha paathu, namma aalu, avan dhaan indha maadhiri oru sarchai a kalappinaan nu nenaichu, sandhosha pattukkuvaan. Adha paathu konjam namma sirichukkalaam ille"
    Me: "Ha ha, yen da paavam. Avan summa thaane irukkan"
    Him: "Summa thaan machi, office la velai oda mattengudhu. Indha maadhiri edhavadhu time pass panna dhaane namma vaazhkayum konjam happy a irukkum. Indha maadhiri namma adichukkaradha paathu avan odane, oor full a damaaram "paatheengala, yen blog enna popular aayittu irukku" nu damaaram adippan. Adha paathu namakku oru siriya alpa sandhosham dhaan.
    Me: "Enakkennavo idhu seriya thonale. Irundhaalum edho nee solraye nu" ...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:45 AM  

  • Muthukumar - arumaiyana post!First time here!I completely agree with u! I cant stand drinking or smoking! I hate people who do that to! Unlike u - I dont go with my friends to bars also! Maybe I dont have friends here :))! Not a sociable person u see :)..

    That too in UK - everyone drinks as if they are drinking water! I just wonder - what is there in it!

    Btw have u watched the 1980's AVM mega serial "Oru manithanin Kathai" acted brilliantly by Raghuvaran! I cried when I watched that serial! It was too good ! It portrays how a man can become an animal by drinking! Too good a serial!

    By Blogger Gnana Kirukan, at 10:56 AM  

  • PB...
    indha post unakku per vaangi kuduthatho illayo, enakku nalla ketta per vaangi kuduthirukku. avan avan fone panni naan thaan "u know who"nnu ninaichi thitturaan. pengalai veetin kangalaa ninaikkira naan oru podhum "u know who" maadhiri keezh thanamaa comment panna maateindrathu ellarukkum therinjathey. vellatha thingiravan oruthan virala soopuravan innoruthandra kadhaiyaa aayidichi.
    thayavu seidhu yaar indha ozhukkam ketta naayeendratha sabhaikku therivikkavum.
    nalla blog. i agree with whatever u say and also what dinesh says. aanukku oru sattam pennukku oru sattamaa??
    - Subbu

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:26 AM  

  • Subbu,

    onnaya andha keezh tharamaana mirugathukku equate pannaanga ? Unfair da ! Eppdi andha makkalukku thonicho theriyale..nee dhaan avan nu. Pona pogudhu machi, kavale padaadhe..onnoda nalla gunam theriyaama pesittaanga. Paravalle. Idhukkaaga avangala pazhiya vaanga mudiyum ? Ille nee valarndha vidham dhaan apppdiya ? Naama baattu namma velaya paarthuttu povom !

    By Blogger dinesh, at 12:09 PM  

  • @subbu
    enaku ennamo intha dinesh thAn avan nallavan nu kAmikka "u know who" create panni peru vAnga try panRan nu ninaikaren. Also appadiye un pera keduthachu..ore kallula rendu manga..ithellam enga da kathukiringa? illa nee kudichitu onnu pesura..therlinjappuram onnu pesuriya?

    By Blogger P B, at 1:07 PM  

  • Arjuna,
    Thanks for your visit. Looking forward to hear more from you.

    By Blogger P B, at 1:07 PM  

  • Subbu,

    neenga nallavaraa? kettavaraa? appadeennu inga theLivu paduththa avasiyam illa.

    naalu pErukku nalladhu nadakkudhunna edhuvumE thappilla

    aagayinaal...menElum thittu vaanga en vaazhthukkaL :)

    kamal pOl huah, huah, huah enRu alari idharkku reply pOdumpadi thaazhmayudan kEttukkoLgirEn.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:03 PM  

  • deeiiii ladeeess and gentilmEYn.... adangaama comments podareengale... idhu adukkuma ?

    By Blogger Zeppelin, at 2:37 PM  

  • Some tradional oriental guys publishing tradional archive stuffs...


    difficult to understand them.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:28 AM  

  • yezhuthu romba swaarasyamaa irunthathu! uzll nokkuthal mattum illaamal, mudivil aetho uruthi poondathu... is like a film with a climax....


    By Blogger Balaji, at 1:34 AM  

  • dey enangada pesuringa onume puriya matikidhu machiiiiiiiiiii

    By Anonymous Krish, at 5:19 AM  

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